All About passive real Estate Investing

What are the Best Types of Real Estate Investments for your self-directed retirement account? SDIRA, Solo 401k, eQRP & more.
So you want to invest in real estate with your self-directed retirement account, like an SDIRA, solo 401k, or eQRP, but don’t know what kind of investments are best? Of course, you should always consult your CPA, lawyer, and tax strategies to create the best plan for...

What is a self-directed retirement account? Solo 401k, SDIRA, eQRP, and more.
What if you could double your investment earnings by simply using a different account? It's possible inside a self-directed retirement account. Before we dive into a real example with numbers, let’s take a look at what these accounts are and who can open one (hint:...
Why It’s Critical To Clearly Define Your Goals Before Investing In Real Estate
You suffer through early morning gym workouts. You hike-in 10 miles, in the dark, to get to your climbing route. You catch every eddy on every river you paddle. You even quit drinking alcohol (during training). We do these things because we have clear goals in mind....
Living Life with intention

Rethinking Retirement: Work Less and Play More Now
The ultimate promise: work less and play more. But, what if that were truly possible? And not just “one day” when we are able to retire, but right now. Think about this, what if you could retire this year? This question never crossed my mind before I found real estate...
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Your Ultimate Guide to Real Estate Secured Notes Part III: Why Should I Put My Money In Notes?
By now, you know what a Real Estate Baked Note is and what a note purchase could look like. Well, if you’ve read Part I and Part II of our Ultimate Guide to Notes Series you do. Haven’t read Parts I and II? I probably would have done the same thing. Lucky for you,...

Top 3 Strategies to Mitigate Risk Strategies for Note Investing
If you found a great rental property for sale but the house was burned down, would you buy it? Guessing not. At least I hope not. Yet, in the world of Note investing this kind of thing can happen if you ignore essential risk mitigation strategies. Check out our...
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What is on your bucket list?
In our one-on-one call with our Flow State Investor Circle members, we love hearing about your big goals in life and investing. We believe that everyone can be working to make their goals a reality. Just ask Susan about paddling 50 rivers across the country to write a guide book. Check!