All About passive real Estate Investing

What Does It Mean to be an Accredited Investor?
If you’ve been learning about real estate investing, there’s a good chance you’ve come across the term “accredited investor.” If not, well here it is. Once you notice how many passive real estate funds or crowdfunded investment opportunities are publicly advertised...

What are the Best Types of Real Estate Investments for your self-directed retirement account? SDIRA, Solo 401k, eQRP & more.
So you want to invest in real estate with your self-directed retirement account, like an SDIRA, solo 401k, or eQRP, but don’t know what kind of investments are best? Of course, you should always consult your CPA, lawyer, and tax strategies to create the best plan for...
5 Reasons Passive Real Estate Investors Can Make the World a Better Place with Investing in Notes
One of the biggest money relationships anybody will get into in their life is buying their house. In fact, owning your own home has been shown to be a tipping point for building financial stability and generational wealth. Yet, many homeowners out there hit rough...
10 Essential Due Diligence Steps for Real Estate Investing with Notes
When airline tickets to Kathmandu go on sale, we don’t just hop on a plane to take a stab at climbing Everest. It takes years of experience in the mountains, on the rope and in unyielding environments to build up the skills, knowledge and physical ability to...
Total Beginner’s Guide To Real Estate Investing for Your Lifestyle
You’ve heard of friends investing in real estate and seen them grow their money fast. You know that the richest people in the world have done so through real estate investing. And you’ve even seen people quite their jobs because of cashflow from real estate. But you...
Living Life with intention

Total Beginner’s Guide To Real Estate Investing for Your Lifestyle
You’ve heard of friends investing in real estate and seen them grow their money fast. You know that the richest people in the world have done so through real estate investing. And you’ve even seen people quite their jobs because of cashflow from real estate. But you...

Rethinking Retirement: Work Less and Play More Now
The ultimate promise: work less and play more. But, what if that were truly possible? And not just “one day” when we are able to retire, but right now. Think about this, what if you could retire this year? This question never crossed my mind before I found real estate...
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The 4 Most Popular Exit Strategies In Non-Performing Note Investing (Plus Risks and Historical Returns)
You probably confirm the destination before you hop on a plane. Knowing where you are going is essential to the journey - not just while traveling, but also in real estate investing. Putting our money into a real estate investment can be daunting. How can we mitigate...

Your Ultimate Guide to Real Estate Secured Notes Part III: Why Should I Put My Money In Notes?
By now, you know what a Real Estate Baked Note is and what a note purchase could look like. Well, if you’ve read Part I and Part II of our Ultimate Guide to Notes Series you do. Haven’t read Parts I and II? I probably would have done the same thing. Lucky for you,...
Why I Love Investing in Notes Secured by Real Estate (and Why You Should Too)
The other day, I got a message from a tenant. “The downstairs neighbor is causing problems. Lots of people living there now. And a dog. And the sound of glass breaking.” Ugh. Seemingly not the worst news, but rent payments for the next 3 months were either late or...

What is on your bucket list?
In our one-on-one call with our Flow State Investor Circle members, we love hearing about your big goals in life and investing. We believe that everyone can be working to make their goals a reality. Just ask Susan about paddling 50 rivers across the country to write a guide book. Check!